How to Keep Your Bathroom Tiles Free of Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew can destroy the appearance of your bathroom and make it a very unpleasant place. Usually, they start small and gradually develop into disgusting sight. More importantly, both mold and mildew can be serious health hazard for residents in most of the cases. Therefore, keeping your bathroom(s) free of mold and mildew is an extremely important task. Here are some effective tips to have a hygienic bathroom.
Facilitate adequate air circulation
Moisture is a major cause for mould in your bathroom. So, make sure to provide a good air circulation. You can do this by switching on the exhaust fan during the shower (keep it on for about 10 minutes even after each shower). You can further reduce the effect of moisture by opening the bathroom windows and doors for few minutes.
Maintain shower curtains
Mould can happily grow in the folds of the shower curtain. So, stretch it out nicely and let it dry perfectly. Never let the moisture be there for long hours.
Carryout routine-cleaning
You should clean your bathroom according to a routing (at least once per week). When dust blends with moisture, it provides the perfect platform for mould to grow rapidly.
Use appropriate bathroom cleaners to clean bathtub and sinks
Don’t forget to clean shower doors, windows (don’t leave any residue)
Shower curtains, shower liners and rugs should be cleaned on weekly basis
Bathroom walls (particularly the corners) should be kept clean all the time
Rectify errors
Never let leaks and poor draining continue to exist. Address them immediately with appropriate solutions. Cracked or loose tiles should be replaced as soon as possible.